Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

The Danger Of Shaving Pubic Hair Before Having Sex

06.44 Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
benefits of shaving pubic hair woman
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The Danger Of Shaving Pubic Hair Before Having Sex - Shaving pubic hair, let alone prior to the sexual intercourse is highly not recommended. Earlier, a number of studies show, shaving pubic hair can increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Well, if shaved genital area performed as a ritual before sexual intercourse, both in men and women, the risk of the disease will be much higher.

"Shaving pubic hair can drastically increase the risk You are exposed to a sexually transmitted infection of 440 percent," said Lora Ivanova from myLAB Box.

The research found the existence of a risk of getting sexually transmitted infections like HPV, herpes, genital warts can lead to cancer, syphilis or gonorrhea, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV.

Trim pubic hair runs out it turns out will make it easier for bacteria or viruses passing through the skin. Own pubic hair actually serves to protect the skin from friction and prevent the entry of bacteria and viruses.
pros and cons of shaving pubic area male
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Ivanova said, many invisible scars after shaving the hair around it's sex organs. Razor used also not necessarily clean.

Not to mention if the air around the sex organs are often left damp. That condition is ' heaven ' for the development of bacteria. As a result, sexually transmitted infection is easy to happen.

If the already often shave the pubic hair, make sure you and your partner free of sexually transmitted infection before making love. Avoid also the alternating partner. Think twice before running out pubic hair trim, are there any benefits for health.

Jumat, 03 Maret 2017

Benefits of Hand Wash With Alcohol

02.28 Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
Benefits of Hand Wash With Alcohol
Hand wash with alcohol - In modern times it is today easily with a variety of ways we can get any informationwe want. Through newspapers, tabloids, magazines, scientific journals, radio, television, the internet and so on.
As a result people become increasingly critical, that wasnot a problem, now in question, since it used to be running smoothly, are now starting to question. And it all is not a bad thing, not a negative thing, because right nowour knowledge is increasingly widespread, thanks to this information can easily be retrieved.

Read Also: advantages and benefits of soursop leaves

Alcohol for hand washing

Since we know, learn and practice the prana healing, we are already accustomed to using alcohol to wash the hands, because it is so, but lately some people started questioning alcohol use it, the problem is not therefore incompatible with religion, but more on the dangers that can be caused, especially on some people's sensitive skin.Indeed alcohol which can be easily obtained in the market is the isopropyl alcohol.Even a coach asks for an explanation of this issue, here is he says:
"One of my students recently asked a question about the use of isopropyl alcohol to clean hands when doing the healing of Prana. Last year the other disciples also ask the same question. It makes me so awry because it seems that there is so much information that States that isopropyl alcohol very dangerous could even cause cancer. If we're looking for ' isopropyl alcohol hazardous ' on the internet, it is certain that we will get the information from several sources that have a good reputation, including from Government websites in the developed countries, which States that it is dangerous. Also from a prominent researcher, Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.d., N.D. author of controversial book titled "The Cure for All Cancers". Not disputed whether the research is valid or not, but the information is already widespread, especially regarding the results of his studies of isopropyl alcohol. My question is how do I answer the question. If I continue to use isopropyl alcohol, then I as the person who representsthe healing of Prana, ignoring that problem and there is the possibility is not considered a health concern for students and my patients. I know that we could use salt water or an antiseptic SOAP instead, but the majority of community Healers Prana worldwide still using isopropyl alcohol. I hope to soon obtain a satisfactory explanation on this issue. "

Isopropyl alcohol is not harmful to the skin

Many medicinal products such as ointments, liniment, as well as cleaning products,cosmetics, pain relief and so forth using isopropyl alcohol. There are two reasons, first because it's cheap, both because it is easy to obtain. Because it is difficult to getethyl alcohol, or commonly referred to with alcohol drinking quite a lot and at an affordable price for the purposes of production.
As additional information, because ethyl alcohol is alcohol drink, it takes a number of documents, permits and regulations to be able to buy and sell them back, even if it's for the purpose of making drugs out though.
Because isopropyl alcohol that rubbing alcohol, better known as easily obtained and the price is affordable, as well as to package and sell it not needed special permission, also because he used to medical purposes and by most drug products beyond that are on the market, so most industry isopropyl alcohol prefer as a raw material for its products.
Isopropyl alcohol is usually produced and sold for the manufacture of the drug itself, which is used on human skin for accelerating influence of disinfectant and liniment, and also in a number of cosmetic products. Isopropyl alcohol free on sale everywhere.
In Chinese medicine, alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, is sharp, bitter and hot. He entered all the channels and blood vessels throughout the body. He can move the chi withstrong and accelerating the flow of blood. He also strengthened other drugs combined with it.
That is why alcohol already used in the treatment of China since thousands of years ago, as the medium and especially treatment for relieving pain and traumatic injuries. In this case the alcohol itself is not only considered as a medium, but rather as active content a formula.
Recently, Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.d,. N.D. concerns his concern about the dangers of isopropyl alcohol even though it is only used externally. In his book, Dr. Clark said he found traces of isopropyl alcohol in the hearts of a number of the patients sufferers of various types of cancer.
But he did not explain how the isopropyl alcohol can arise in the hearts of patients or about the relationship between it with cancerpatients. As recognized Dr. Clark himself, his research was rejected by some leading experts because it is considered less valuable. Dr. Clark book title that has raises concerns in every health care practitioner professional think.
But due to the concern of Surat by Dr. Clark about the insecurity problem use of isopropyl alcohol externally, many other experts who then tried to do the research yourself. That later they found was, based on the best scientific data that they producetime, it turns out that isopropyl alcohol is not the cause of cancer, if used externally.
Nasal cancer suffered by workers in factories where the type of alcohol was produced is not caused by an isopropyl alcohol itself, but by the harsh acid used to produce that alcohol. Many other experts also argue that similar with it. Even many experts state that isopropyl alcohol safely used for acupuncture.
Isopropyl alcohol is not harmful to the skin
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Only for sensitive-skinned

There are indeed some people who were sensitive, susceptible to isopropylalcohol, and preferably prior to use of the drug beyond containing isopropyl alcohol, or when washing your hands after doing the healing, try it first on a small areaon the skin, is to ascertain whether the drug or alcohol out it is suitable for sensitive skin.
In the healing of Prana is indeed only a very few people who declare that their skin is sensitive to the alcohol, and if so, it turns out that the cause can be different, if itfeels itchy every time after washing hands with alcohol, he not only had to reduce the number of patients who are cared, but expected her to also check the following things:
  • The diet of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
  • Physical condition and soul.
  • Healing techniques, especially sweeping and granting its energy.
  • Whether to the three it already observed correctly?

Make the isopropyl alcohol safer used to wash hands

According to Marilette Liongson, nanny PHQandA, there needs to be added in the isopropyl alcohol to be used to clean hands with safer and make the chakra and aura became cleaner, its alloy is as follows:
Into a bottle of clear and dark-colored (dark green, dark blue or dark brown) with a lid, combine proofed:
250 ml of isopropyl alcohol (not methyl alcohol)
10 drops of lavender or sandalwood essence oil is pure.
1-2 teaspoon fine salt
Close the bottle it meetings later shake strong for a while to dissolve salt and lavender oil in alcohol. Pour a little liquid in a small bottle of a dry, clean and dark colored, with spray at the lid. This mixture is already quite powerful though not as strong as "aura spray" made by Master Choa Kok Sui.
According to Master Choa, instead of isopropyl alcohol, if your skin is sensitive, you can use Vodka to clean hands at the moment and after doing the healing.

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Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

advantages and benefits of soursop leaves

04.58 Posted by Unknown , , , , , , No comments
 advantages and benefits of soursop leaves
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Benefits of soursop leaf to health already no need to doubt. Some of the benefits ofsoursop leaf, among others, treat diabetes, gout, rheumatism, ulcers, and many more.

Soursop is a plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Indonesia has a lot of soursop in term one jackfruit sebrang. Fruits have a flavor that is delicious and has a range of useful content for the health of our body.

Behind the benefits of soursop leaves for health of various content contained therein. Soursop leaf contains linoleic acid, annocatalin, annomuricin, anonol, muricapentocin, acetogenins, annohexocin, and other compounds. These compounds can treat various diseases as well as increasing the immunity of our body.

Advantages and Benefits of Soursop Leaves

Here are some of the advantages and benefits of soursop leaves and how to turn it into traditional medicine.

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Treating diabetes

Clean 2-5 strands of soursop leaves then boiled into 3 cups of water to a boil. After boiling do not directly lifted, simmer until the water stayed 1 glass only. After that the boiled water consumption on a regular basis on the morning and evening. Try applying this way 3-4 days after that check your blood sugar levels.

Treating gout

Clear 6-10 strands of soursop leaves then boiled into 2 cups of water to a boil. Afterboiling do not directly lifted, but simmer until the water stayed left one glass only.Water consumption the stew twice, morning and evening.

to Treat back pain
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Treating back pain

Set 20 sheets soursop leaves, clear. then boiled into 5 cups of water to a boil. After simmering the stew until the water leave the remaining 3 cups only. After that drink3/4 cup of water the stew once in a day.

Treating ulcers

Puree the soursop leaves the young as much as 5-10 strands, then paste on the pimples to sores dry out.

Treating cancer

Boil the soursop leaves as many as 10 pieces into 3 cups of water to a boil. After boiling do not directly lifted, but let the remaining water until only 1 glass only. After that the boiled water consumption 2 times a day. Try applying it for 2 weeks

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults

01.38 Posted by Unknown , , , , , No comments
The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults
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The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults - Durability of baby oil inside the skin is much longer than the usual skin moisturizer.

The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults

Many people know the baby oil is the oil for babies or toddlers. Mineral oil is a petroleum distillates result it does have many benefits, such as the damming of the skin, as the missing oil, and so on. But did you know that baby oil can also be helpful for adults? To add your knowledge of it, here are some of the benefits of baby oil for adults.

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Dry skin

If your skin is very dry, try applying baby oil after Your bath while skin is still damp and humid. Durability of baby oil inside the skin is much longer than the usual skin moisturized. In addition, the baby oil was also able to prevent the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin.

Keep humidity Moms Nipples
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Keep humidity Moms Nipples

For nursing mothers, often made the breast nipples become dry or cracked. If this happens, try to apply baby oil on the area which was dry after feeding the little one. Baby oil can relieve nipple cracks on the skin and help retain humidity nipple mom.

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Prevent Eczema

In addition to befall young children, eczema can also occur in adults. You can prevent eczema by rubbing baby oil on the skin dry after showering.

As cosmetics

Did you know that baby oil can also be used as cosmetic ingredients? Baby oil can be a cosmetic ingredients for skin highlighter, hair serum, remove eye makeup and the makeup made from cream, and remove temporary tattoos.