Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

advantages and benefits of soursop leaves

04.58 Posted by Unknown , , , , , , No comments
 advantages and benefits of soursop leaves
Image From: ecs7.tokopedia.net

Benefits of soursop leaf to health already no need to doubt. Some of the benefits ofsoursop leaf, among others, treat diabetes, gout, rheumatism, ulcers, and many more.

Soursop is a plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Indonesia has a lot of soursop in term one jackfruit sebrang. Fruits have a flavor that is delicious and has a range of useful content for the health of our body.

Behind the benefits of soursop leaves for health of various content contained therein. Soursop leaf contains linoleic acid, annocatalin, annomuricin, anonol, muricapentocin, acetogenins, annohexocin, and other compounds. These compounds can treat various diseases as well as increasing the immunity of our body.

Advantages and Benefits of Soursop Leaves

Here are some of the advantages and benefits of soursop leaves and how to turn it into traditional medicine.

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Treating diabetes

Clean 2-5 strands of soursop leaves then boiled into 3 cups of water to a boil. After boiling do not directly lifted, simmer until the water stayed 1 glass only. After that the boiled water consumption on a regular basis on the morning and evening. Try applying this way 3-4 days after that check your blood sugar levels.

Treating gout

Clear 6-10 strands of soursop leaves then boiled into 2 cups of water to a boil. Afterboiling do not directly lifted, but simmer until the water stayed left one glass only.Water consumption the stew twice, morning and evening.

to Treat back pain
Image From: chiropracticfirstleeds.co.uk

Treating back pain

Set 20 sheets soursop leaves, clear. then boiled into 5 cups of water to a boil. After simmering the stew until the water leave the remaining 3 cups only. After that drink3/4 cup of water the stew once in a day.

Treating ulcers

Puree the soursop leaves the young as much as 5-10 strands, then paste on the pimples to sores dry out.

Treating cancer

Boil the soursop leaves as many as 10 pieces into 3 cups of water to a boil. After boiling do not directly lifted, but let the remaining water until only 1 glass only. After that the boiled water consumption 2 times a day. Try applying it for 2 weeks

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults

01.38 Posted by Unknown , , , , , No comments
The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults
Image From: babyology.com.au

The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults - Durability of baby oil inside the skin is much longer than the usual skin moisturizer.

The Benefits Of Baby Oil For Adults

Many people know the baby oil is the oil for babies or toddlers. Mineral oil is a petroleum distillates result it does have many benefits, such as the damming of the skin, as the missing oil, and so on. But did you know that baby oil can also be helpful for adults? To add your knowledge of it, here are some of the benefits of baby oil for adults.

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Dry skin

If your skin is very dry, try applying baby oil after Your bath while skin is still damp and humid. Durability of baby oil inside the skin is much longer than the usual skin moisturized. In addition, the baby oil was also able to prevent the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin.

Keep humidity Moms Nipples
Image From: dw.com

Keep humidity Moms Nipples

For nursing mothers, often made the breast nipples become dry or cracked. If this happens, try to apply baby oil on the area which was dry after feeding the little one. Baby oil can relieve nipple cracks on the skin and help retain humidity nipple mom.

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Prevent Eczema

In addition to befall young children, eczema can also occur in adults. You can prevent eczema by rubbing baby oil on the skin dry after showering.

As cosmetics

Did you know that baby oil can also be used as cosmetic ingredients? Baby oil can be a cosmetic ingredients for skin highlighter, hair serum, remove eye makeup and the makeup made from cream, and remove temporary tattoos.