Kamis, 07 April 2016

Detoxification Effects And Benefits Of Drinking Water

05.41 Posted by Unknown , , , No comments
Image From: drinkingwaterforsale.eumedjob.eu
Detoxification Effects And Benefits Of Drinking Water - When the detoxification process then there is the effect on the body, the body will react, but of course this is not a harmful effect, this is a process that will occur when detoxification.

When toxin past the blood vessels, the body is going to react, arises headache, nausea, bloating, constipation, colds, flu, mild fever, skin disorders, emotional disorders (anxiety, anxious, moody, and difficult to concentrate), and cold. Sometimes also accompanied by changes in urine and breath odor.

This reaction is very individual in nature. The reaction in certain people may not exist or has occurred on the first day.

But the above reaction generally appear until the third day, because on the third day the body begins to take energy from fat after the first day of the muscles take up glucose, and the second day of the lever.

Fat must undergo phase changes to take longer. If this reaction appears, no need to stop fasting. Reduce the activity that takes energy, avoid also sunbathe in the sun, drink water or juice as much, or as soon sleep.

This reaction usually only lasts one day, but if the headache really unbearable, it is good you go to the doctor and stop fasting.

Although fasting is important to dispel all the toxins in the body, after all, not everyone is advised to run it, the people who are malnourished, for example, certainly more will not be able to fast, if able to definitely be bad for the body. This also applies to those who are underweight.

Healthy mothers, but pregnant and lactating even less advisable for detoxification. Likewise, those who are suffering from advanced cancer, peptic ulcers, chronic diabetes, weak heart, kidney failure, heart disease, and tuberculosis. Fasting is also only recommended for adults, toddlers and the elderly should not do

Well look at the importance of detoxification for your body, why not get started today. Start your day with a drink of water, at least 2 glasses after that proceed to a fruit juice every two hours, a result of disease-free body, fresh and comfortable. Of course measures your fasting properly executed as described above.

Image From: wesomejelly.com

As for the benefits or efficacy of drinking water for the health of the body are:

  • Suppress appetite
  • Launched kidney function
  • Eliminate constipation (constipation)
  • As a catalyst for the process of metabolism of fat into energy. If the lack of drinking water = B does not go down because of impaired lipid metabolism.
  • If you feel hungry, not necessarily the lack of food, the possibility of lack of drinking water. Drink up, your hunger will disappear. 
  • Kidneys work dispose of waste and toxins in our body, especially for weight loss, the body has more fat was burned garbage that should be thrown away. More and drink plenty of water the kidneys will be lighter and faster lose weight.
  • Drink plenty of waters, it will facilitate to get better digestion and defecation.
  • Drinking lots of water is very beneficial to health and also as a means of detoxification. At least 3 liters per day for a detoxification program in progress, it should not take any medicine chemical / medical drugs of any kind, chemical drugs will hamper the process of spending toxins in the body, the ability of chemical drugs only dampen the symptoms of the disease 

Benefits of Bay Leaf

Image From: satujam.com

Benefits of bay leaf - bay leaf  which is commonly used as a spice for cooking this turns numerous benefits to health. These leaves have a spicy and slightly bitter taste, and the aroma is somewhat similar to cinnamon bark but a little lighter.

Bay leaves are usually used when still fresh, or have been dried and in powder form. The oil extracted from the leaves called essential oils of bay leaves were believed to have medicinal properties and has been used to treat various diseases.

Because bitterness, bay leaves can not be eaten directly, but is often used to add flavor to a wide variety of dishes, both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Bay leaves are also known to contain Myrcene, one of the elements of essential oils extracted from the leaves and used for fragrances. In some areas, bay leaves are also used as a repellent of flies, moths, mice etc.

Apart from its use for culinary, bay leaves turned out to have medicinal properties as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and contain many more efficacious.

read also the benefits of Yoga

The types of leaves:

In Indonesia there are bay leaves, then there Bay Leaf abroad. Although in one variety, including memeiliki some differences that include the texture, flavor, and general usability.

Among the varieties of this plant are:

  • California Bay Leaf (has a stronger flavor)
  • Indian Bay Leaf (flavor and aroma similar to cinnamon)
  • Bay Laurel (to taste the soup)
  • Indonesia Bay leaf / leaves (often used for cooked meats)
  • West Indian Bay Leaf (widely used to make cologne)

The content of leaves:

Bay leaves contain chemical compounds, vitamins and minerals thus promising a variety of health benefits. Potion of leaves of this plant are commonly used by the Greeks and Romans because it is believed to symbolize wisdom, peace, and protection. Bay leaves contain Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B complex in addition to folate such as riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid.

Minerals in the bay leaves, namely copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium. Active substance or compound nutritious for health in the leaves contained in its essential oils such as pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, terpineol, gernyl acetate p-cymene, and euganol.

Chavicol compounds have antiseptic properties, antioxidants and even anti-cancer properties. While 50% of oil and bay leaf contains cineol.

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Benefits Daun Salam (Bay Leaf) for Health and skin:

1. Helps the treatment of Diabetes:

Bay leaves are found to effectively treat type 2 diabetes because it can lower glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

To obtain maximum results, this leaf powder can be prepared and consumed for 30 days. This will cause a drop in blood sugar levels and regulate heart function.

This is because the leaves contain antioxidants that allow the body to process insulin more efficiently, thus making it a good choice for diabetics and people with insulin resistance.

2. Benefits for Digestion:

Bay leaf is good for digestion and can treat gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn and stomach feels bloated.

Drinking tea leaves with hot water can alleviate common digestive disorders like constipation, acid stomach and bowel irregularities. Bay leaves also contain enzymes that allow the breakdown of protein, which makes it very good for a non-vegetarian diet.

In cases to relieve indigestion and bloating, you can take 5 grams of bay leaf and add a slice of ginger and boil with 200 millimeter of water until the remaining 1/4.

It could also add a few tablespoons of honey and drink twice a day. It also can increase appetite, especially if you have just recovered from illness.

Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

3. Cardiovascular Health Benefits:

Powerful phytonutrients into the bay leaves can give us protection from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

This is because the leaves contain compounds such as rutin, salicylate, caffeic acids and phytonutrients that promote a healthy heart and improve heart function.

In the case of heart disease, boil 3 grams of bay leaf and 3-4 grams of wild roses with water until the remaining 300 mil 75 mil. Filter and drink.

4. Treating the common cold and infections:

Bay leaves to effectively relieve the symptoms of colds, flu and infections. For respiratory problems, boil the water and add 2 to 3 bay leaves for 10 minutes or until steaming.

Soak a cloth into the water and place it on the chest to relieve colds, fever and cough.

5. Can Relieves Pain or tenderness:

Essential oils are extracted from the leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the pain of sprains, arthritis, rheumatism as well as the usual pain. Massaging his temples with bay leaf oil can help to relieve migraines and headaches.

It can also increase blood circulation and promote feelings of happiness. In the case of joint pain, you can make a poultice of leaves and leaf distance, then tied it around the inflamed joints to reduce pain and swelling.

For the case of a headache, you can boil the leaves for a few minutes. Strain and drink this concoction when it is still warm. You can smear paste of bay leaf on the forehead to relieve severe headaches.

read also the benefits of Soursop

6. bay leaves Has Anti cancer properties:

Bay leaves contain caffeic acid, quercetin, and catechin euganol who all have an agent against various types of cancer.

It also contains phytonutrients called parthenolide that has been proven to specifically withstand the proliferation of cervical cancer cells.

7. Provide benefits during perikonsepsi:

Bay leaf is rich in folic acid, so it is beneficial during perikonsepsi (3 months before and after pregnancy).

With sufficient intake of folic acid can prevent birth defects in unborn children. Not only that, bay leaves also have stimulating properties of pregnancy.

8. Help Resolve Menstruation:

Bay leaf, when taken could make the periods become regular and normal. It also has healing properties whitish.

9. Helps sleep:

Consuming leaves at bedtime can help make it easier to get a good sleep. For this case, mix a few drops of extract of leaves with a glass of water and drink.

10. Clean teeth:

To obtain a sparkling white teeth, brush with powdered bay leaves once in 3 days.

11. Treatment of Kidney Problems:

Bay leaves can help treat kidney infections and kidney stones. To overcome this, boil 5 grams of leaves into 200 ml of water until only 50 ml.

Strain and drink the potion twice a day. This will stop the formation of kidney stones.

12. Skin problems

Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, bay leaves promising various benefits for the skin and has been used in herbal medicine for this. Bay leaves helps relieve the stress of the skin, thereby preventing the occurrence of wrinkles and skin diseases.

For this purpose simmer 5 dried bay leaves with 2 cups of water with the cover closed. Then remove the lid and simmer for about 2 minutes. Then pour the concoction into a large bowl and cover your head with a towel and inhale fumes.

read also the benefits of coffee

13. Beneficial For Hair

The nutritional value of bay leaves make them beneficial for hair health. It has the following benefits for your hair.

Dandruff and Hair Loss Treatment - rinse water which is made from the leaves can treat dandruff. The tea leaves are considered a remedy for hair loss.

While the bay leaf oil is an effective hair tonic to overcome the problem of dandruff and hair loss.

Treatment Head lice - To get rid of lice, boil about 50 grams of crushed bay leaves with 400 ml of water until only 100 ml. Filtered water and apply on hair roots.

Let stand for 3 to 4 hours and wash. How predicament will eliminate head lice effectively.


Extraordinary Benefits of Yoga

05.18 Posted by Unknown , , , , , No comments

Extraordinary Benefits of Yoga
Image From: mookshi.com

Extraordinary Benefits of Yoga - Yoga is considered as the first step in Hindu. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "union" or "unite" with nature or the Creator. Maharsi According to Patanjali, the father of yoga, it is a way to control the earthly form relating to the material in the human soul.

Yoga is meant to bring peace and balance in mind, to be detached from all earthly form. Yoga is an activity that involves the mind and body and is used to achieve improved health and relaxation.

Research is currently being carried out aims to analyze some yoga poses, Pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation for health.

Patanjali describe yoga as 'Ashtaangas' or has eight branches.

The first branch is or anga, is about ethics and morality. Practitioners should perform his daily routine with the most ethical way.

The second branch is about obedience. Practitioners have to make your body and mind in order not contaminated after purification. In this section mostly about worldly influences in the human mind and body.
After knowing the second step, third step is about "asanas" or postures physical. Asana aims to increase the strength, durability, and resistance to various diseases, so they can reinforce the body, mind, and soul.

Pranayama, dalah fourth branch, which is considered as the most important step in yoga. "Prana" means life force and '' Ayama "is the extension. Pranayama means "extending the breath".  Wiseman antiquity found that respiratory oscillating or have a good effect on the mind.

The fifth branch of yoga called pratyahara, which is the process of withdrawal of the senses. Our sensory organs affected by the surroundings around us, which can cause suffering and pain.

Concentration, or Dharna is the sixth branch, and is one of the most difficult step. Experts and teachers Yoga shows, concentrating on breathing can help to focus on one direction.

Meditation, yoga is a branch of the seventh, may differ from the concentration. In the concentrate, we have to focus on something, whereas in meditation, the focus is not focused on any object or thought.

Branch of the eighth and final is the Samadhi or Semedi. Practitioners will enter a state of tranquility, where it was like being in a deep sleep, but the truth is he was actually still awake and conscious. This is believed that he had united with nature or the creator.

According to Patanjali, yoga facilitates meditation physical and spiritual perfection is more complex. It is believed that the true yoga practitioner can eliminate unwise circumstances that exist in their minds.

Based on National Health Interview Survey in 2007, yoga is one of the top health complementary practices conducted in the United States.

Benefits of Yoga for human Health

Practicing yoga routine can bring a number of health benefits. Yoga not only helps to control the disease, but also plays an important role to achieve relaxation and physical fitness. Here is among the benefits:

1. Eliminate Depression and Stress:

Certain yoga postures or movements to relieve stress from the body and mind. Yoga postures such as child posture, posture leaning forward, feet against the wall, the cat posture, and support the head are considered good for relieving depression and stress.

Tests have shown a positive feedback yoga on depression and stress, because participants reported decreased levels of depression sharply.

2. Controlling Hypertension:

Yoga and relaxation techniques of yoga has a positive effect on blood pressure. Regular exercise on posture as Shavasana, and padmasana padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques like chandravedi and sheetali, helps reduce blood pressure.

This posture keep your body and mind in a relaxed state. A study on the benefits of yoga in controlling blood pressure showed positive results, compared with placebo treatment.

Image From: diversityyoga.co.uk

3. Yoga for a Healthy Heart:

Yoga and lifestyle changes can help maintain a healthy heart and body. Poses and pranayama bhramari Ujjayi pranayama beneficial for the heart.

Another pose as vajrasana, janushirasana, padahastasana and padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques such as pranayama and chandra bhedi Sarala pranayama can do for a healthy body.

A study conducted in people with coronary artery disease showed that by incorporating yoga into their normal routines, as well as changes in lifestyle and a healthy diet, the incidence of coronary artery disease is reduced drastically.

4. Controlling diabetes:

regular yoga practice can also help control diabetes. Some of the poses that can help people control diabetes including Pavanamuktasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, gomukhasana, koormasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, and mayurasana. unmindfull of poses, pranayama exercises such as suryabhedi, ujjayi and bhastrika also been prescribed for diabetes. The tests on many diabetic patients showed positive results in most people who have undergone some sort of training yoga.

5. Relieves pain:

Yoga is also beneficial for individuals with lower back pain. Some yoga poses such as mountain pose, pigeon pose, pose walls and boards, and pose the child's body can help reduce lower back pain.

6. Stomach disorders:

Stomach problems can also be reduced by practicing yoga. Pose asanas or poses particular as Pavanamuktasana, padahastasana, and padangusthasana could help control stomach problems, stomach muscles, increase gastric fluids, and improve digestion. This pose is pose leaning forward - where we have to touch the legs without bending the knees and move it forward to the limit of the palms should be under the foot easily. It can be helpful for a variety of digestive problems that suffered.

7. Osteoarthritis:

Yoga is also good for the control of musculoskeletal pain, particularly osteoarthritis. Potensy of yoga in osteoarthritis has been studied in people who suffer from osteoarthritis in hand. The test results show that practicing yoga effectively helping hand osteoarthritis.

8. Asthma and Bronchitis:

Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises good for asthmatics. Yoga poses such as rotating half-back and dispose pose winds combined with breathing techniques can nostril as medicine for asthma and bronchitis.

9. Yoga for weight loss:

Surya Namaskara is considered good to help you lose weight. Hasthasana and Trikonasana also can help you lose weight.

10. Alleviate the condition of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by pressure on the nerves in the wrist. This condition can causes weakness, numbness, tingling, and also can cause muscle damage in the hand or fingers. Yoga can decrease the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome significantly.

11. Increases Flexibility of joints and muscles:

Certain yoga poses can be a positive influence to the point of joints and stress points of the body. Yoga can improve lubrication of the joints, ligaments, and tendons, thus making it a flexible and functional.

Image From: yogayogiwheel.com

12. Detoxification:

Yoga ensures stretching of muscles and joints become tender, with a variety of comprehensive training on the internal organs, which in turn will improve the blood supply to be optimal. Healthy blood flow is essential to remove the toxins and nourish every cell in the body. Yoga can avoid the rate of aging and ensure the vitality of the body.

13. Benefits of Surya Namaskara:

Surya Namaskara, also known as the sun salutation, is a series of 6 exercises of yoga that consists of fast movement. It is an effective technique to strengthen muscles, accelerate and intensify respiration and heart rhythm. At the same time will move away the body of lactic acid in the muscles, causing fatigue and pain. It will also facilitate the optimal oxygen supply to the lungs and throughout the body. 

Regular practice of this technique and flexibility will strengthen the muscles around the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, thighs, calves and ankles. Also increase lung capacity, stamina and heart development.

Surya Namaskara will control diseases such as hypertension, palpitations, back pain, insomnia, memory enhancement, and compression in the abdominal area. It also helps relieve constipation, dyspepsia, and thyroid gland problems.

Easy Yoga Exercises:

Yoga exercises are very simple simple and ideal for every age group, because it involves only a slow movement and static. The risk is very small muscle injury and is an activity that requires a low calorie, where as main exercises include breathing techniques.

Some things to remember

Yoga should be studied and are under the guidance of expert instructors. Yoga can be practiced by everyone, be sure to get advice from your doctor if you suffer from heart disease or other acute medical condition that requires prudence.

Do not practice yoga after consuming the drinks alcohol or change the drug.

  • Unrecommended to do yoga under direct sunlight.
  • Choose a convenient location, either outdoors or indoors.
  • Try to concentrate on each pose and not disturbed by other people in the room or around you.
  • Proceed slowly and continue to follow the directions exactly.
  • Do not be too tense and rest between each practice session.

Rabu, 06 April 2016

The Magical Benefits Soursop fruit

Image From: hairextensions-usa.com

The Magical Benefits Soursop fruit - Soursop fruit is green and usually has a sweet taste sour mix. Soursop fruit was very fresh at all if made as a drink spiked with ice in it. It turned out that this fruit not only serves to refresh your throat that thirst. This fruit that has many nutrients that are very good for your health.

Nutrients contained in Soursop fruit contained calcium, minerals, various vitamins and fiber.

Soursop Fruit for Health Benefits

In recent years a lot of research on the efficacy of this one fruit. Results were very, raised my surprise, the soursop has many benefits. So what are the benefits of soursop fruit? Consider his info below:

Expelling bad cholesterol

Soursop contains not only vitamin C but also contains fiber. Fiber also has great benefits for the body. Fiber on soursop fruit turned out to absorb bad cholesterol  in the body. Thus remaining in the body is a good cholesterol alone.

So, for those who want to keep body in healthy conditions with no cholesterol drink a glass of soursop juice regularly. You know not if the body is filled with plenty of bad cholesterol can invite many diseases? Read also the article about how to lower cholesterol to a more complete explanation.

read also the benefits of ocra

Keeping the body's immunity

In the 300 grams of soursop fruit, it contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C that contained in soursop at least been able to meet the body's need for vitamin C.

In addition, vitamin C has a big responsibility in maintaining body's immune system, ward off free radicals to prevent premature aging. Therefore if you want to look attractive and young, was the consumption of soursop fruit regularly.

Image From: thestar.com

Good to the bone

This fruit does contain that very much and very well to the body. In addition to vitamin C, the fruit also contains calcium and phosphorus once to protect your bone health.

In every 100 grams of soursop fruit turned out to contain 14 milligrams of calcium and 27 milligrams of phosphorus. Not only nutrients that are causing the soursop can keep your bones.

Soursop also contains copper turns. This copper substances have an important function because it helps the absorption of calcium from the bones. If calcium is absorbed well by the bone, the bone must you become stronger and not susceptible to disease osteoporosis.

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Preventing Cancer

Not only nutrients such as vitamins are contained in soursop fruit. Soursop contains much compounds called phytochemicals Annonaceous acetogenins. This fitokimia compound turned out very well to ward off a variety of viruses that can inflict dangerous diseases such as cancer.

Some types of cancer could actually be prevented by consuming a soursop. Including prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and there are several types of cancer. To prevent this cancer you can consume soursop regularly. Both consume it directly or consume dairy in the form of drugs.

Eliminate Boils

Ulcer is a disease that is not dangerous. But it may boil that arise on your skin and will make you less confident. Boils can not only be treated using any ointment. Turns ulcers can be treated with medications
such as soursop natural.

How to make soursop as an ulcer drug is also quite easy. Separate soursop of its contents. Then puree until smooth like porridge. After that the dough of soursop paste it on your skin that is exposed ulcers. Allow it to dry for a while. Once dry, rinse with warm water until clean. Do this treatment for several times until the boils that stick to your skin to disappear.

read also the benefits of avocado

Overcoming Migraine

Do you often experience migraine or headache? If correct, you will usually treat it using the medication from a doctor. But the drugs from the doctor just would not be enough. You also need a natural nutrient that is made from natural ingredients anyway. Natural nutrients that can treat your migraine is soursop. This is because the soursop fruit contains riboflavin or vitamin B2 is high. Vitamin B2 is has ability to overcome migraine pain that you suffer.

Image From: healthfitnessrevolution.com

Keeping the Skin Moist

Soursop fruit was able to maintain moisture of your skin. This is because soursop has high vitamin C content. The content of vitamin C is helps to moisturize human skin. If consumed regularly, these fruits can make your skin more moist and glowing. You can consume it directly or making juice. Soursop also even make a face mask. If your skin moist and glowing, surely you will seem easier is not it?

Overcoming Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are not just necessarily need any medication to cure it. You also need natural nutrients to accelerate its cured hemorrhoids. You can use the soursop fruit to help her recover quickly hemorrhoids you have.

The trick hemorrhoids drug manufacture of soursop is also easy. First, you can brew with hot water soursop. After the split between fruit and water. Then squeeze the soursop fruit was brewed earlier. Take water and drink. These hemorrhoids drink special potions for two times a day until your hemorrhoids certainly recover.

Cure and Prevent Anemia

For those of you who often suffer from anemia that makes you experience weakness, it could not hurt to consume soursop every day. This is because the soursop can also help boost red blood cells in the body. For those of you who have not contracted anemia, you are also advised to drink because of the soursop fruit can also be used to prevent anemia.

8 Benefits of Ocra for Human Health

15.38 Posted by Unknown , , No comments

image From: mlevinco.com

 8 Benefits of Ocra for Human Health - Okra or Arabic beans popular in the kitchen of the Mediterranean and India. Because of its shape long and tapered at the edges, okra also called ladyfingers.

The middle section okra holes and slimy. Shows that green vegetables are rich in fiber.

In Indonesia, okra is less well known. Usually taken okra many young fruit cylindrical tapered for vegetables. Even in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Japan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Europe, cooking okra fruit is very popular.

Okra contains a water content of 70-80%, 3.90% protein, fat 2:05%, 6.68% potassium, phosphorus 0.77%, 1.4% carbohydrate, and caloric 39.97 cal / 100g.

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Image From: africagreenmedia.co.za

Some of the important benefits of okra, among others:

1. Fiber okra helps to stabilize blood sugar by limiting the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.

2. okra slime bind cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the liver filtering.

3. Okra helps lubricate the large intestine due to the quality of the bulk laxative. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensuring bulk in the stool. It helps prevent and improve constipation.

4. Fiber okra is excellent to feed good bacteria (probiotics). This contributes for health of the intestinal tract. This is similar to the breed with yogurt in the small intestine and help the biosynthesis of vitamin B complex.

Read also the benefits of Lemon

5. Okra can overcome the weakness, fatigue, and depression.

6. Okra is used for healing ulcers and to keep joints supple. It helps to neutralize the acid, which is highly alkaline and provide a temporary protective coating to the digestive tract.

7. Okra can also be to treat pneumonia, sore throats, and irritable bowel.

8. In India, Okra has been successfully used in experimental blood plasma replacements. To retain most of okra's nutrients and self-digesting enzymes, okra should be cooked as little as possible, for example, with low heat or lightly steamed. Some eat it raw.


Secret Benefits of Lemon

Amazing Benefits of Lemon
Image from: livinggreenmag.com

Secret Benefits of Lemon - Did you know that the benefits of lemon it very much and very profitable? The genus Citrus (citrus family) are known to be rich in benefits that are similar to one another, but actually also has a specific benefits of each.

This is because the percentage of each type of citrus nutritional content vary. Lemon may include citrus varieties consumed much less compared to other citrus fruits, this may be because the price is quite expensive. Lemon has been more widely used as a flavor enhancer and to refreshing drinks.

Eating citrus lemon has a very good for health, can prevent various diseases, and can also be used as a natural treatment for various diseases. In fact, this fruit can be used to help weight loss diet. Here are reviews more.

What are the Benefits of Orange Lemon Essential to Your Health?

According to the USDA, one lemon raw unpeeled (about 58 grams) found that lemon contains 17 calories, 0.6 grams protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 5.4 grams of carbohydrates (including sugars and fiber).

Not only that, Lemons also contain a lot of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. If you eat a lemon course of the day, your daily vitamin C needs are met. With so many varying nutritional content makes the lemon juice has many benefits for the body.

Such as the following:

  • Reduce Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack

According to the American Heart Association, lemon juice benefits when consumed in sufficient quantities, and the routine is a lot can lower a woman's risk for a stroke of apoplexy.

The research data said that the group of women who consumed the lemon turned out to have a 19% lower risk of stroke compared with those who did not consume lemon. Lemon juice also reduces the risk of heart attack because of the benefits of lemon that can protect blood vessels from cholesterol accumulation.

Benefits of Lemon
Image from: pukkaherbs.com

  • Prevent Cancer

The disease of cancer is one type of disease that is dangerous and deadly. One of the causes of cancer in the body is due to the excessive free radicals and disrupt body's immune systems. Lemons have lots of antioxidants (vitamin C), which can work to deter and neutralize free radicals that protect against cancer.
read also the benefits of avocado to get another tips for preventing cancer

  • Maintain Healthy Skin

Collagen, which is one of the constituent substances of human skin is affected by content levels of vitamin C in the body.

The formation of collagen will get better and optimal when vitamin C in the body in adequate amounts. This means that the benefits of lemons are high in vitamin C. it will maintain healthy skin, reduce skin wrinkles and improve skin quality.

  • Helps Stabilize Body pH

The balance of acid and alkaline body is important for health. The study states that the body tends to acidic pH is not good for the body's metabolism.

One of the other benefits of lemon juice is able to neutralize the excess acid in our body. Uniquely, natural acidic of lemon will be converted into a base when it reached the stomach, so it can also be used for a natural cure heartburn. Unique properties of lemon is also beneficial to break up kidney stones.

  • Shortness of Breath or Prevent Asthma

Benefits of the lemon which is very useful for those who suffer from asthma.

The risk of asthma could be prevented by adequate intake of vitamin C that the body needs. Research shows the vitamin C is quite turned rarer asthma attacks compared with those who did not take vitamin C regularly.
  • Improve Body Defense System

Foods that are high in vitamin C (one type of antioxidant that is most flattering) will optimize the immune system that helps us to be less susceptible to disease.

Advised to eat lemon when the condition of the body was not fit, moderate physical activity is heavy and cold weather. It also can help heal minor aches sort of flu and colds, but if it had been taking medication, consult with a doctor if allowed to eat lemons at the time.

Secret Benefits of Lemon
Image from: foodmatters.tv

  • Prevent Anemia

Lack of iron can cause anemia or a person affected by a lack of red blood cells. This iron is useful for the formation of red blood cells and is derived from food and drink that we consumed.

Condition, iron we eat to be absorbed by intestinal cells in order to work in our bodies. Vitamin C in the lemon consumed before eating foods rich in iron will help the absorption of iron optimally. So you should combine lemon with another foods that rich in iron, for example spinach.

Lemon also very delicious when you combined with honey. besides the taste is delicious consuming lemon that combined with honey is very healthy. you can get the benefits of lemon in the same time with get benefits of honey

  • Lower Risk Exposure Arthritis / Rheumatism

Arthritis, also called Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that causes joint pain and stiffness. In a research mentioned that those who consume foods rich in vitamin C can reduce the risk of this disease by 3 times compared with those who rarely consume foods rich in vitamin C.

Benefits for Orange Lemon Diet
Experts already agree that eating a lemon beneficial for weight loss. The sour fruit either be used to help achieve the ideal weight because it has many lucrative benefits. It is actually also similar to lemon.

Utilizing lemon for weight loss you can do so by making infused water by mixing other fruits, or it could be enough to make the drink lemon.

  • Smooth Metabolism and Helps Detoxify

Lemon water is taken in the morning before eating anything is good for our bodies. Of course, drinking lemon water is better without sugar and other sweeteners.

The study mentioned that the condition of the body that tend acid is less than desirable for the body's metabolism.

Properties of lemon which can neutralize this acid is very good to increase the rate of metabolism. Besides lemon will also help the detoxification process that helps remove useless and harmful substances in body.
  • Smooth Digestion

Consuming lemon in the morning is good for improving the digestive system. It is very good especially for those who suffer from constipation. Drinking lemon water in the morning and on an empty stomach will help facilitate bowel movements.

Digestive system smoothly important to do weight loss program, this is because the absorption of nutrients from food can be optimized.

  • Maintain Sense of Satiety

Lemons contain a substance called pectin. This has the effect of pectin substances to resist hunger and prolong the sensation of satiety. Drink lemon juice every day will help you to maintain your portions. Moreover, lemon juice is contains fewer calories and more fiber is beneficial to the diet.
The benefits were not a little lemon juice.

Lemon has many useful functions that improve the health of the body, defending the body from disease and helps the immune system. In addition to health sector, lemon are proved useful to aid weight loss program if taken every day because it has ability to increase metabolism, regulate satiety and facilitate digestion.


Selasa, 05 April 2016

11 Great Benefits of Honey

09.02 Posted by Unknown , , , , , , No comments
Great Benefits of Honey
Image From: fairtradeusa.org

7 Great Benefits of Honey - Honey is known to have amazing benefits and has been used as a natural medicine for centuries to cure various diseases. its has been a favorite of nutritionists, dieticians and herbalists. Honey is also a rich source of natural sugars such as fructose and glucose together with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Incorporate honey in your daily diet is one of the simplest ways at once the most powerful way to prevent various diseases. Delicious golden liquid natural is also an alternative to white sugar.

Before we move on to the benefits of honey for health, let's look at some interesting facts below:
The use of honey in ayurvedic medicine has been conducted since 4000 years ago. Honey when used as an ingredient in herbal medicine, may increase the ability of healing. Honey is believed to improve eyesight, promote weight loss, and cure impotence. Honey can also treat urinary tract disorders, diarrhea, bronchial asthma and nausea.

In times past, athletes used to consume honey to increase endurance, reduce muscle fatigue and improve performance. Honey is also known to help in the recovery and maintain glycogen levels.

Honey is also said to help treat ulcers and problems caused by bacterial gastroenteritis

Honey is a rich source of flavonoids and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

The combination of fructose and glucose in honey helps the body regulate blood sugar levels.
Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties due to presence of the enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide.

Honey is a natural sweetener that offers tremendous health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of honey, one of the oldest sweetener that is in the earth.

11 Benefits of Honey for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Honey for Beauty

1. Beautiful Skin

One of the benefits of honey have been known since the first is honey can do wonders for your skin. That is the reason why you will find in many skin care products today. Honey acts as an anti-aging and moisturizing great. Honey is natural antioxidants that have anti-microbial properties. Honey helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays and facilitate the ability of skin rejuvenation. Honey also has the ability to absorb and retain moisture so it helps in keeping the skin hydrated, fresh and supple. It is known that women in the past using honey and milk to keep skin young, shiny and smooth. Here are some easy recipes for face masks and exfoliators (exfoliating dead skin) that you can try at home.

Face Mask Recipe
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (original)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • Egg yolk

How to use:
  1. Mix all ingredients together and apply on face.
  2. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  3. This mask will help you get glowing skin.
  4. Prescription Facial Exfoliator
  5. Use this mixture to remove dead skin cells from the roots. This herb also helps in removing blackheads. Exfoliation of dead skin cells is good for oily and dry skin. This should be done at least once a week.

  • Honey
  • The lime juice
  • Sugar

How to use:
  1. Combine all ingredients and gently rub it on your skin.
  2. Let stand for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. Honey cleans your skin, lemon juice sugar enlighten him while working as an excellent exfoliator.
Benefits of Honey
Image From: thespiritscience.net

2. Against Acne

Other benefits of honey, still associated with beauty is honey can help treat acne. Acne course will make kepercaya oneself distracted. Acne is caused by the accumulation of oil and dirt on the skin. Honey acts as a cleaning agent that is ideal, because it can absorb impurities from the pores of the skin. Honey is also a natural antiseptic, soothes and heals your skin, so often it is used to cure acne.

When you buy honey, make sure you buy honey / pure, because honey provides better benefits than processed honey. Organic honey could also be an alternative.

Honey can be applied directly to your skin. Apply thin so it does not drip on your neck. After that, let stand for 30 minutes or more, but it would be better to do a skin test first to make sure you are not allergic to honey. Apply a small amount on your jaw and leave for 30 minutes, if there is no reaction, then your skin has given a green signal to apply it to your entire face. After being left for 30 minutes, rinse your face with warm water. After that, simply paste the towel on the face, do not rub as it can irritate your acne.

Honey can clear up your acne only if it is caused by a bacterial infection. If your acne is the result of irritation, hormones or other causes, honey may not be able to do much. However, it still can help to soothe and heal existing acne irritated skin. If your acne problem is very acute and does not subside with natural medicines, it is best you visit your dermatologist. (See also: How to Eliminate Acne Complete Guide)

3. Healthy Hair

The following benefits of honey is related to hair, where honey with all his benefits also do wonders for you the crown! Honey can help repair dry hair, damaged and dull. It also helps retain moisture and heal the scalp dry and itchy. Try the following hair mask to get the hair smooth, healthy and shiny.

Hair Mask Recipes
  • Honey
  • Olive oil (preferably extra virgin)
  • The lime juice

How to use:
  1. Heat together three tablespoons of olive oil with two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Next, add one tablespoon of lemon juice and mix well.
  3. Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair while still warm.
  4. Let stand for 30 minutes or so, then rinse and wipe.

For Quick Ways:
a. After shampooing, add two teaspoons of honey and lemon juice in three cups of water. Stir until evenly distributed. After that, wash your hair with this herb and dry as usual; or
b. Stir a teaspoon of honey with shampoo and apply on the scalp and hair. Rub until frothy and leave for two minutes or more. After the rinse.

Benefits of Honey for Health

4. Honey For Eyes

Well, the following benefits of honey may be a surprise to some of you because honey can be used for eye care. Ancient Egyptians and Indians have discovered the benefits of honey as a medicine to cure eye diseases.

When used every day, honey can protect and improve the ability of the eye.
Honey is also beneficial in the treatment of eye infection such as redness, itching of the eyes, trachoma, conjunctivitis and other similar diseases.

Honey is used both internally and externally to prevent glaucoma in its early stages. Honey is also said to be useful for the prevention of cataracts and help cure dry eye syndrome.

Below we describe how to use honey for treatment of eyes:
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon warm water

How to use:
  1. Dissolve honey in warm water.
  2. Use topically on the affected areas or as a drug eyewash.

5. Controlling Diabetes

Honey is useful also in the treatment of diabetes. He is a source of natural sugars such as glucose, fructose along with vitamins and minerals such as copper, iodine and zinc in small quantities. Honey gives you a boost of energy and it is a much healthier choice than white sugar or sweetener.

Honey is considered as a safe alternative to white sugar substitutes for diabetics, but still should be routinely monitored blood sugar levels and eating in sufficient quantities / not excessive. Because the level / type of diabetes varies from one person to another, it is advisable to ask your doctor's advice before taking honey to use them safely as an alternative.

6. Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Other amazing benefits of honey is honey can reduce the risk of heart disease. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, published in 2009 stated that honey improve heart health by improving blood circulation and prevent blood vessel blockage. This allowed for honey reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and simultaneously terrace the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. Honey helps clean up cholesterol from the vessel wall and prevent the buildup of plaque.

Honey when mixed with cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins of the heart, as well as reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood up to 10%.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey and 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon in a glass of warm water and drink every day. If you do this regularly, this herb helps reduce the risk of heart attack.

Amazing Benefits of Honey
Image From: sarasotahoney.com

7. Lose Weight

Enter the honey in your diet to help you lose weight. Drinking warm water mixed with lemon and honey on an empty stomach every day is a major component of weight loss programs and detoxification. This is the best way to cleanse the liver, remove toxins and remove fat from the body. To get the optimum benefits of honey in losing weight, you can replace white sugar with honey and artificial sweeteners. However, it must be remembered in honey because in one tablespoon of honey contains about 63 calories.

8. Boost Immune System

The benefits of honey Equally important is the honey can boost the immune system because of its antibacterial properties and potent antioxidant, thus helping to avoid diseases such as flu, colds, etc.

To improve your immune system, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey in warm water and drink every day on an empty stomach. For an extra boost, add a little lemon juice and cinnamon.

9. Heal Cough and Sore Throat

Honey also has merit as an effective cough suppressant and helps relieve sore throat. Add them in tea or warm lemon water can relieve cough and throat infections. Honey is also good for children who suffer from night cough and upper respiratory infections. They should be given two teaspoons of honey before going to bed.

10. Natural Healers

Honey is a good antibacterial agent and is effective in healing burns, cuts and wounds scratched when used externally. Honey accelerate skin tissue repair and pain relief. Apply pure honey in areas of open wounds to make it sterile and prevent further infections and other complications. This is due to the bacteria-killing agent called inhibine, which is found only in raw honey / pure. Unfortunately, inhibine easily destroyed during the pasteurization process.

11. Relieve Digestive Disorders

One of the benefits of honey that is quite popular and has been used as a home remedy for centuries is to cure digestive problems. Antiseptic properties of honey to relieve acidity in the stomach and improve digestion. Honey also neutralize the gas that makes the stomach to be quiet.

Honey can be used also to treat constipation, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems. Drinking tea mixed with honey will provide relief from indigestion. Take 1-2 tablespoons of honey before a heavy meal is the best way to prevent indigestion and if you already eat a lot, drink a mixture of honey and lemon juice in warm water to help move food through the digestive tract.

Lucky 7 from Dark Chocolate

08.45 Posted by Unknown , , , , No comments
Benefits of dark chocolate
Image from: 7-themes.com

Lucky 7 from Dark Chocolate - Dark chocolate is full of benefits and high content with nutrients that can positively affect your health. Made from the seeds of the cacao tree, dark chocolate is the best sources of antioxidants on the planet.

Research even shows that dark chocolate can improve your health and lower the risk of heart disease.

7 Benefits of Chocolate Black For Health

1. Brown Black Highly Nutritious

If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, it is actually quite nutritious. They contain a decent amount of soluble fiber and loaded with minerals.

100 gram bar of chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains:
  • 11 grams of fiber.
  • 67% of the daily iron requirement
  • 58% of the daily magnesium requirement
  • 89% of the daily copper requirement
  • 98% of the daily needs of manganese.
  • They also have a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

Of course, 100 grams is a sizeable number and something that you should not eat every day. All these nutrients also comes with 600 calories and a sugar. For this reason, dark chocolate is best consumed in moderation.

The fatty acid profile of cocoa and dark chocolate is very good. Most are saturated fat and monounsaturated, with a small amount of polyunsaturated fats.

They also contain stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, but will not keep you awake at night because of the amount of caffeine is very small compared to coffee.

Dark chocolate is rich in fiber quality, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and some other minerals.

2. Brown Black Powerful Source of Antioxidants

Have you ever heard of a quantify called ORAC?

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a measure of the antioxidant activity of food.

Basically, researchers equalize a group of free radicals (bad) to sample the food and see how well the antioxidants in these foods can "disarm" them.

Biological relevance of this metric is questionable, because it was done in vitro and may not have the same effect in the body. However, the concern is the unprocessed cocoa beans are one of the foods with the highest score that has been tested.

Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds which are biologically active and serves as an antioxidant. These might include polyphenols, flavonoids and catechins.

One study showed that cocoa and dark chocolate contains more antioxidant activity, polyphenols and flavonoids than other fruits they tested, including blueberry and acai berry.

One of the benefits of dark chocolate are very important as an antioxidant. Cocoa and dark chocolate has a wide range of very powerful antioxidant, exceeding most other foods.

amazing Benefits of dark chocolate
Image from: freetopwallpaper.com

3. Brown Black Can Smooth Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure

Flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate the endothelial lining of the arteries, to produce Nitric Oxide (NO), which is a gas.

One of the functions of NO is to send signals to the arteries to be relax, which lowers resistance to blood flow and therefore reduce blood pressure.

There are many uncontrolled experiment shows that cocoa and dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. However, there is also a study in people with high blood pressure who do not show an effect.

Bioactive compounds in cocoa can increase blood flow in the arteries and cause a small decrease in blood pressure, but statistically significant.

4. Brown Black Increase HDL and Protects Against LDL Oxidation

 Consuming dark chocolate can improve some of the important risk factors for heart disease.

In controlled trials, cocoa powder was found to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is oxidized in men significantly. It also increased HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total and LDL cholesterol in men with high cholesterol.

Oxidized LDL means that the "bad" cholesterol has been reacting with free radicals its very bad for health. This makes the LDL particle itself reactive and capable of damaging other tissues ... like the lining of the arteries in your heart.

It makes absolute sense that cocoa lowers LDL being oxidized. It contains many powerful antioxidants that go into the bloodstream and protect lipoproteins against oxidative damage.

Dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, which is another risk factor that is common to many diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Dark chocolate fix several important risk factor for a number of diseases. They decrease the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative damage while increasing HDL and improve insulin sensitivity.

5. Brown Black Can Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

The following benefits of dark chocolate is one of the best. The compounds in dark chocolate seemed very protective against LDL oxidation. It will make less cholesterol that gets stuck in the arteries and in the long term, lower risk of heart disease.

There are some long-term observational studies that showed drastic improvement.

In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 50% over a period of 15 years.

Other studies have shown that eating dark chocolate two or more times per week lowers the risk of calcification of plaque in arteries by 32%. Eating chocolate is less than it has no effect.

However, other studies have shown that eating chocolate five or more times per week lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57%.

Of course, 3 observational studies is not merely prove that chocolate is associated with reduced risk. However, given that we have a biological mechanism (low blood pressure and LDL oxidation) then it may be regular consumption of dark chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disease.

The observational studies showed a drastic decrease risk of heart disease in people who eat chocolate frequently.

6. Brown Black Can Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Perhaps this dark chocolate benefits the unexpected. Bioactive compounds in dark chocolate also can be a great thing for your skin.

Flavanols may protect skin from sun light damage, improve blood flow to the skin, improve skin density and hydration.

Minimal erythemal dose (MED) is the minimum amount of ultraviolet rays required to cause reddening of the skin, 24 hours after exposure.

In one study of 30 people, MED more than doubled after consuming dark chocolate high in flavanols for 12 weeks.

So if you have a planned vacation to the beach, consider eating dark chocolate in the weeks or months earlier.

The study shows that cocoa flavanols can improve blood flow to the skin and protect it from damage caused by sunlight.

benefit of dark chocolate
Image from: valentinesdays.org

7. Brown Black Can Improve Brain Function

The next good news is dark chocolate has benefits in improving brain function.

One study in healthy volunteers showed an increase in blood flow to the brain after 5 days of consuming high-flavanol cocoa.

Cocoa can also significantly improve cognitive function in older people with mental disorders. They also improve verbal fluency and some risk factors for the disease.

Cocoa also contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, which may be the main reason can improve brain function in the short term.

Some Attention:

 There is evidence that dark chocolate can provide powerful health benefits, which mainly provide protection against cardiovascular disease.

But of course, this does not mean people have to go out and consume lots of chocolate every day. Chocolate is loaded with calories and easy to overeat. Maybe eat one or two pieces after dinner and try to really enjoy it.

Many chocolate products out there, you have to do is choose a quality ... organic dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

Dark chocolate often contains sugar, but usually with a small amount. The darker the chocolate, the less sugar content.

Of course in addition to the benefits mentioned above, dark chocolate also has amazing taste.


13 Amazing benefits of coffee for health

08.13 Posted by Unknown , , No comments

Amazing benefits of coffee for health
Image From: hdwallpaperup.com

13 Amazing benefits of coffee for health - Coffee is actually very healthy drink. He was loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health.

Research shows that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases.

Here are 13 health benefits of coffee on the basis of evidence, which has been confirmed in human studies that actually.

For Health Benefits of Coffee

1. Coffee Can Increase Energy Levels and Make You Smarter

 The benefits here are one of the favorite, that coffee can help people overcome fatigue and increase energy levels. This is because coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine. caffeine is actually the most common psychoactive substances consumed in the world.

After you drink coffee, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. From there, the journey continues to the brain. In the brain, caffeine blocks inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. When its happens, the number of other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine increases, which leads to increased neuronal firing.

Many controlled trials in humans showed that coffee increases the various aspects of brain function. This includes memory, mood, alertness, energy levels, reaction time and cognitive function in general.

Conclusion: Caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which leads to a stimulant effect. It increases energy levels, mood and other aspects of brain function.

2. Coffee Can Help Burn Fat

Caffeine is found in almost every fat burning supplement that is sold commercially?

There is good reason for it ... caffeine is a natural substance that is quite rare that really has been proven to help burn fat.

Several studies have shown that caffeine can increase metabolism levels to range from 3-11%. Other studies have shown that caffeine can specifically promote the burning of fat, by 10% in obese people and 29% in thin people. However, it is likely that this effect will be reduced on a long-term coffee drinkers.

Several studies have shown that caffeine can increase fat burning in the body and also increases metabolism.

13 Amazing benefits of coffee for health
Image from: commoditytrader.com

3. Caffeine In Drastically Can Improve Physical Performance

Caffeine stimulates nervous system in human body, which then send signals to fat cells to break down body fat, releasing fat cells into the blood as free fatty acids and makes them available as fuel.

But caffeine also increases levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the blood. This is the hormone "fight or flight", which is designed to make your body ready for the challenges of intense physical.

Given these effects, it is not surprising to see that caffeine can improve physical performance to range from 11-12%, on average. Therefore, it makes sense to get a cup of strong coffee about half an hour before you went to the gym.

Caffeine can increase the levels of adrenaline and release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Caffeine also causes a significant increase in physical performance.

4. There is Nutrition Important In Coffee

Coffee is more than just a black liquid. Many of the nutrients contained in the beans that make it a final drink (no nutrients are added).

A cup of coffee contains:
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the required body.
  • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the body needs.
  • Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the body needs.
  • Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the body needs.

While this may not seem like a big thing, most people drink more than one cup per day. If you drink 3-4 cups, then this number will increase.

Coffee contains several important nutrients, including riboflavin, Potassium, Magnesium, pantothenic acid, Manganese and Niacin.

5. Coffee Can Reduce Risk of Diabetes Type II

One of the benefits is an awesome coffee lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a major health problem, this time struck about 300 million people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels in the context of insulin resistance or does not secrete insulin. For some reason, the coffee drinkers had a risk reduction of developing type 2 diabetes significantly.

Research shows that people who drink coffee have a 23-50% lower risk of developing this disease, even in one study showed a decrease of 67%.

According to a review involving bulk data from 18 studies with a total participation of 457 922 people, each cup of coffee per day was associated with a reduction of 7% risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Several observational studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk percentage of developing type 2 diabetes, a serious disease that currently affects about 300 million people worldwide.

6. Coffee Can Protect You From Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

The benefits of coffee drinking has been linked with reduced risk percentage of developing Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and also the main cause of dementia worldwide. This disease usually affects people over the age of 65 years. Unfortunately, there is no known drug that can cure Alzheimer's.

However, there are some things you can do to prevent the disease first appeared. This includes eating healthy foods and exercising, but drinking coffee may be very effective as well.

Some studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of up to 65% of Alzheimer's disease.

Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, which is a major cause of dementia worldwide.

7. Caffeine Can Reduce Risk of Parkinson's Disease

 Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is the second most common, after Alzheimer's. This is caused by the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Just like Alzheimer's disease, there is no treatment that is known to overcome Parkinson, the efforts focus on prevention.

In some studies, coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, with a reduction in risk ranges from 32-60%. In this case, it seems that caffeine itself is causing the effect, remember those who drank decaffeinated coffee have a lower risk of Parkinson's disease.

Coffee drinkers have a risk up to 60% less likely to develop Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disorders the most common.

8. Coffee Has Protective Effect Against Heart

Coffee Benefits Equally important is to protect the liver.

The liver is an amazing organ that perform hundreds of vital functions in the body. Some common diseases involving the liver, including hepatitis, fatty liver and others. Many of these diseases can cause a condition called cirrhosis, where the liver has largely been replaced by scar tissue.

It turned out that coffee may protect the liver against cirrhosis. People who drink four or more cups per day had a risk of up to 80% less likely to develop cirrhosis.

Conclusion: Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of exposed cirrhosis, which can be caused by several malady that affect the liver.

9. Coffee Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier

Depression is a serious mental disorder that causes significantly reduced human quality of life.
In a Harvard study published in 2011, women who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had around 20% lower risk of experiencing depression.

Another study involving 208 424 people found that those who drank 4 or more cups per day received 53% less likelihood to commit suicide.

The benefits included in lowering the risk of depression and can dramatically reduce the risk of suicide.

10. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk Affected Multiple Cancer Types

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.

Coffee seems to protect against the two types of cancer: colorectal cancer and liver cancer. Liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world, while colorectal cancer ranks fourth.

Research shows that coffee drinkers have a risk up to 40% less likely to develop liver cancer.

One study involving 489 706 people found that those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Conclusion: The liver cancer and colorectal cancer is the cause of the 3 and 4 cancer deaths worldwide. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of both.

Image from: satravelblog.com

11. Coffee Does Not Cause Heart Disease and Can Reduce Stroke Risk

Coffee Benefits The following have been controversial and even claimed that caffeine can improve blood pressure. This is true, but the effect is small (3-4 mm / Hg) and usually disappear if you drink coffee regularly. However, the effect can persist in some people, so it remains to be a concern if you have high blood pressure.

It has been said that the research does NOT support the myth that coffee increases the risk of heart disease. In fact, there is some evidence that women who drank coffee regularly get a reduced risk of heart disease.

Some studies have also shown that coffee drinkers had a 20% lower risk of stroke.

Coffee can cause mild increase in blood pressure. Coffee usually diminish over time. Coffee drinkers have no increased risk of heart disease, but a slightly lower risk of stroke.

12. Coffee Can Help You Live Longer

Given that coffee drinkers tend to get less disease, it makes sense if coffee can help you live longer.

Actually there are several observational studies showing that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of disease and death.

In two large studies, coffee drinking was associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men and 26% lower risk of death in women, over a period of 18-24 years. This effect seems to be very strong in patients with diabetes type 2. In one study, people with diabetes who drank coffee had a 30% lower risk of death during the study period of 20 years.

Several studies have shown that coffee drinkers live longer and have a lower risk of premature death.

13. Coffee Was Biggest Source of Antioxidants Diet Western

For people who ate a standard Western diet, coffee could actually be a healthy aspect of the diet. That's because coffee contains large amounts of antioxidants.

In fact, research shows that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than any combination of fruits and vegetables.

The coffee is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.

You should know that today have many kinds of products with a variety of drinks coffee creamer, sugar, syrup and milk, which they probably will reduce the benefits of the coffee itself. If you want to get the maximum benefit from coffee, drink black coffee with a little sugar, or even without sugar.
