Kamis, 07 April 2016

Benefits of Bay Leaf

Image From: satujam.com

Benefits of bay leaf - bay leaf  which is commonly used as a spice for cooking this turns numerous benefits to health. These leaves have a spicy and slightly bitter taste, and the aroma is somewhat similar to cinnamon bark but a little lighter.

Bay leaves are usually used when still fresh, or have been dried and in powder form. The oil extracted from the leaves called essential oils of bay leaves were believed to have medicinal properties and has been used to treat various diseases.

Because bitterness, bay leaves can not be eaten directly, but is often used to add flavor to a wide variety of dishes, both for vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Bay leaves are also known to contain Myrcene, one of the elements of essential oils extracted from the leaves and used for fragrances. In some areas, bay leaves are also used as a repellent of flies, moths, mice etc.

Apart from its use for culinary, bay leaves turned out to have medicinal properties as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and contain many more efficacious.

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The types of leaves:

In Indonesia there are bay leaves, then there Bay Leaf abroad. Although in one variety, including memeiliki some differences that include the texture, flavor, and general usability.

Among the varieties of this plant are:

  • California Bay Leaf (has a stronger flavor)
  • Indian Bay Leaf (flavor and aroma similar to cinnamon)
  • Bay Laurel (to taste the soup)
  • Indonesia Bay leaf / leaves (often used for cooked meats)
  • West Indian Bay Leaf (widely used to make cologne)

The content of leaves:

Bay leaves contain chemical compounds, vitamins and minerals thus promising a variety of health benefits. Potion of leaves of this plant are commonly used by the Greeks and Romans because it is believed to symbolize wisdom, peace, and protection. Bay leaves contain Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Vitamin B complex in addition to folate such as riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid.

Minerals in the bay leaves, namely copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium. Active substance or compound nutritious for health in the leaves contained in its essential oils such as pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, terpineol, gernyl acetate p-cymene, and euganol.

Chavicol compounds have antiseptic properties, antioxidants and even anti-cancer properties. While 50% of oil and bay leaf contains cineol.

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Benefits Daun Salam (Bay Leaf) for Health and skin:

1. Helps the treatment of Diabetes:

Bay leaves are found to effectively treat type 2 diabetes because it can lower glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

To obtain maximum results, this leaf powder can be prepared and consumed for 30 days. This will cause a drop in blood sugar levels and regulate heart function.

This is because the leaves contain antioxidants that allow the body to process insulin more efficiently, thus making it a good choice for diabetics and people with insulin resistance.

2. Benefits for Digestion:

Bay leaf is good for digestion and can treat gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn and stomach feels bloated.

Drinking tea leaves with hot water can alleviate common digestive disorders like constipation, acid stomach and bowel irregularities. Bay leaves also contain enzymes that allow the breakdown of protein, which makes it very good for a non-vegetarian diet.

In cases to relieve indigestion and bloating, you can take 5 grams of bay leaf and add a slice of ginger and boil with 200 millimeter of water until the remaining 1/4.

It could also add a few tablespoons of honey and drink twice a day. It also can increase appetite, especially if you have just recovered from illness.

Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

3. Cardiovascular Health Benefits:

Powerful phytonutrients into the bay leaves can give us protection from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

This is because the leaves contain compounds such as rutin, salicylate, caffeic acids and phytonutrients that promote a healthy heart and improve heart function.

In the case of heart disease, boil 3 grams of bay leaf and 3-4 grams of wild roses with water until the remaining 300 mil 75 mil. Filter and drink.

4. Treating the common cold and infections:

Bay leaves to effectively relieve the symptoms of colds, flu and infections. For respiratory problems, boil the water and add 2 to 3 bay leaves for 10 minutes or until steaming.

Soak a cloth into the water and place it on the chest to relieve colds, fever and cough.

5. Can Relieves Pain or tenderness:

Essential oils are extracted from the leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the pain of sprains, arthritis, rheumatism as well as the usual pain. Massaging his temples with bay leaf oil can help to relieve migraines and headaches.

It can also increase blood circulation and promote feelings of happiness. In the case of joint pain, you can make a poultice of leaves and leaf distance, then tied it around the inflamed joints to reduce pain and swelling.

For the case of a headache, you can boil the leaves for a few minutes. Strain and drink this concoction when it is still warm. You can smear paste of bay leaf on the forehead to relieve severe headaches.

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6. bay leaves Has Anti cancer properties:

Bay leaves contain caffeic acid, quercetin, and catechin euganol who all have an agent against various types of cancer.

It also contains phytonutrients called parthenolide that has been proven to specifically withstand the proliferation of cervical cancer cells.

7. Provide benefits during perikonsepsi:

Bay leaf is rich in folic acid, so it is beneficial during perikonsepsi (3 months before and after pregnancy).

With sufficient intake of folic acid can prevent birth defects in unborn children. Not only that, bay leaves also have stimulating properties of pregnancy.

8. Help Resolve Menstruation:

Bay leaf, when taken could make the periods become regular and normal. It also has healing properties whitish.

9. Helps sleep:

Consuming leaves at bedtime can help make it easier to get a good sleep. For this case, mix a few drops of extract of leaves with a glass of water and drink.

10. Clean teeth:

To obtain a sparkling white teeth, brush with powdered bay leaves once in 3 days.

11. Treatment of Kidney Problems:

Bay leaves can help treat kidney infections and kidney stones. To overcome this, boil 5 grams of leaves into 200 ml of water until only 50 ml.

Strain and drink the potion twice a day. This will stop the formation of kidney stones.

12. Skin problems

Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, bay leaves promising various benefits for the skin and has been used in herbal medicine for this. Bay leaves helps relieve the stress of the skin, thereby preventing the occurrence of wrinkles and skin diseases.

For this purpose simmer 5 dried bay leaves with 2 cups of water with the cover closed. Then remove the lid and simmer for about 2 minutes. Then pour the concoction into a large bowl and cover your head with a towel and inhale fumes.

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13. Beneficial For Hair

The nutritional value of bay leaves make them beneficial for hair health. It has the following benefits for your hair.

Dandruff and Hair Loss Treatment - rinse water which is made from the leaves can treat dandruff. The tea leaves are considered a remedy for hair loss.

While the bay leaf oil is an effective hair tonic to overcome the problem of dandruff and hair loss.

Treatment Head lice - To get rid of lice, boil about 50 grams of crushed bay leaves with 400 ml of water until only 100 ml. Filtered water and apply on hair roots.

Let stand for 3 to 4 hours and wash. How predicament will eliminate head lice effectively.


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